What we have been led to believe:

There is a talking point on Social Media that nothing has, or is changing as a result of the painful accusations -some real, some not - of 2018.  This was highlighted by Ani Pema Chodron's use of the term in her resignation letter to the community.

Another perspective:

The term "Business as usual" suggests that nothing has been done or is being done to address genuine issues in our community.  

Since the release of the "Buddhist Project Sunshine Phase 2 Final Report,"  

The Sakyong 

The Sakyong has stepped back from teaching and administrative duties "for the foreseeable future."  In the fall of 2018, he engaged in many listening circles where he could hear from and learn from the women in the sangha, many of whom have felt marginalized and have had experiences of gender bias.

The Transition Task Force 

A Transition Task Force, which included Ani Pema Chodron, was seated for the purpose of establishing an interim Board of Directors, who would act in place of the retiring Kalapa Council; and a Process Team to assist the community in creating and implementing new policies, and procedures.

Process Team 

The Transition Task Force in its Update to the Community, Nov 2, 2018
"The process team is charged with the task of creating a path to freshness, trust, and transparency for Shambhala as a worldwide organization and, at the same time, to adhere to the vision of Shambhala, the lineage of Sakyongs, the Shambhala teachings, and Mahayana and Vajrayana buddhadharma. We envision that the Process Team will listen to and consult with the Shambhala community region by region in order to explore, and eventually propose to the community and Interim Board, how Shambhala can heal and find sustainable culture and leadership.

"The task of the Process Team will be to engage with the community, build on efforts already underway, prototype, and reveal appropriate regional and, potentially, sangha-wide ways to heal, be more inclusive, develop sustainable governance structures, and build community.

The Board of Shambhala 

The Kalapa Council (former Board of Directors) stepped down and empowered a Transition Task Force to seat a new Board and a "Process Team."  Until that time, the Sakyong, through the Sakyong Potrang retained the sole authority to appoint and dismiss Board members.

The Interim Board of Directors was seated in October 2018, initially with a one year term.  In the summer of 2019, they met with the Sakyong who suggested that they retain their seats as a fully empowered legal Board of Shambhala for an additional two years.  Their current term runs through October of 2021.  

In their current iteration, the Board of Shambhala is empowered to appoint their replacements.  They are currently doing this through a process they have set in place with the Governance Models Sub-Group (GMS) of the Process Team.  The GMS submitted recommendations and requirements to the Board to create a Search Committee whose role was finding and screening potential Board members.  This Search Committee was seated, and candidates were presented to the Board.  The first "replacement" board members were seated in May 2020.

Code of Conduct 

As a result of the Process Team work around Care and Conduct - a task force was established, and a new Code of Conduct was written and is being put into effect.  The Code of Conduct Task force is now a sub-group of the Board.  This process is currently being rolled out to the community.  A new Child Protection policy was put into effect earlier this year.

Dorje Kasung Leadership
The Council of the Makkyi Rabjam ("CMR" - leadership body of the Dorje Kasung) resigned at the end of 2019 and were replaced by a leadership group modeled on Magyal Pomra Encampment General Staff (annual gathering of the protection group.)

Listening Circles and Contemplation

In the first year, there was a community wide process of deep listening.  Each center held it's own version of discussions and listening to hear the concerns, grievances, and wishes of the community.


Many teachers from other lineages have been invited to teach or address our communities in the past two years (and previously.)  These teachers have included Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche , Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyal, Ringu Tulku, Venerable Changling Rinpoche and others.   Many centers have offered Kagyu and other nyingma programs with other teachers.